Thursday, April 2, 2020

The Organic Chemistry Tutor

The Organic Chemistry TutorThe Organic Chemistry Tutor is an online chemistry program that teaches the basics of Chemistry, thermodynamics, and Organic chemistry. The Organic Chemistry tutor is a quick and easy way to get an understanding of the material for your pre-algebra courses. The online programs are all audio based, so students can study while they work and can also discuss topics with their professors.The Organic Chemistry tutor allows students to use their laptops or desktop computers to develop solutions, print them out, and get feedback on their progress. The tutors are going to make the class very interactive because they need to be responsive to their students. Students can ask questions of the tutor or teachers during a conversation and they are able to get a quick response with their teacher. One advantage to online chemistry classes is that they are able to set up their own schedules and as long as the teachers are available to work with students, it will be easy to keep your class in your schedule.The students get the benefit of working with a professional mentor who is a professor and will be able to help answer any questions they may have. The tutor will be able to show the student how to learn quicker and is going to give the tips that will help them learn a new material. The tutor is going to teach different topics so there will be a section on early phase chemistry and another section on inorganic chemistry. The tutor will show the student how to approach and make progress in the classroom.The tutor also offers many different courses and assignments. The teacher will give the student the topics that will need to be covered on the topics that they have assigned to the student. The other topics will be arranged in sections based on the topic. The teacher will also give the student the material that will be included in all of the different materials so that the student is sure to have the material that is necessary for the class.There are ma ny different online chemistry classes that can be found that will teach the student the different concepts in Chem 101 through Thermodynamics. The teacher can help the student to learn the concepts that they need to cover so that they are going to be well prepared for the classes that they are taking. The material that is covered in the courses that are offered is going to be very useful for the class that the student is taking and the student will be able to advance the material that they have learned very fast.The classes also have study guides that are available for students to get an overview of the concepts that will be covered in the course. This will help the student to learn the material quicker and will also allow them to continue to learn the material that they have learned. The teacher will provide the materials that are required and if there is a need to do the reading outside of the lessons then the student will have the option to do so. The online chemistry programs al so have the software that will allow the student to be able to create chemical symbols that will be required in the class. The software also allows the student to have their own lab and work in their own way and develop their own projects.The online chemistry tutor will also help the student to find resources that will be useful and that will help them take their chemistry class and make it to the next level. The online chemistry classes will help the student to take their chemistry class and to have an understanding of the concepts that are necessary in the class and will help the student to learn faster.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

A Student Perspective on Boston University

A Student Perspective on Boston University Daniel earned his bachelors degree in American History from Boston University. He specializes in social studies tutoring, SAT tutoring, and more. Interested in Boston University? Check out his review below: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Daniel: One of the things that appealed to me the most about BU was the urban campus setting. If having a traditional college campus is a top priority, then BU is likely not for you. But if you want the experience to live and study in the heart of a major city every day, then BU should be at the top of your list. The campus consists of a series of buildings along Commonwealth Avenue in the City of Boston. As far as safety goes, I personally never felt unsafe on the campus, although safety is certainly more of a concern than it would be in a less urban atmosphere. The university provides shuttle buses for students, but all classroom buildings are within walking distance of each other. The citys subway system, the T, makes getting around the city both safe and easy. I would not recommend bringing a car, especially as a freshman, since parking can be challenging to say the least. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Daniel: I found the professors to be extremely accessible and helpful. Professors are passionate about the subjects that they teach and are always eager to discuss course material with their students. Academic advising was required each semester during the class selection process. The key to a positive relationship with your adviser is to come prepared to every meeting between you and your adviser. This will ensure that you make the most of your time and get the best advice possible. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Daniel: For the most part, dorms are located in the heart of the campus, and you can expect to be placed alongside other freshmen as a freshman. I would strongly recommend researching each of the dorm buildings before making your final choice for your first year. While there is no guarantee that you will be placed in your first choice, researching the various options will make it more likely that youll be placed in a situation that fits your interests and preferences. Each major dorm has a dining hall facility that is open until the late evening. There are several after-hours dining options as well. In addition to dorm life, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of extracurricular activities you can get involved in to meet students with similar interests as yours. I found this to be the easiest way to make friends during my time at BU. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Daniel: As a major research university, BU has every possible major imaginable, from liberal arts, to hospitality management, to public health, to international finance. I studied American History and found my experience in the history department to be both intellectually stimulating and richly rewarding. The professors in the department are recognized scholars in their field and I greatly enjoyed learning from them for four years. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Daniel: Meeting people and making friends was a bit challenging for me at first (much of this goes back to what I discussed above about being sure to carefully consider your dorm options before making a selection), but I was able to overcome this through joining a number of extracurricular activities, intramural sports, and clubs. While some people did choose to join fraternities or sororities, Greek life was not particularly prominent at BU. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Daniel: While I did not use the Career Center myself, friends of mine did, and found their services to be very helpful. As a senior, I participated in the BU Washington Program in Washington D.C., during which I took classes and also interned for a Member of Congress. This experience was invaluable when I moved back to D.C. and pursued a career on Capitol Hill. I believe strongly in the BU Washington Program, and currently teach a course for the program. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Daniel: BU has a large student union in the middle of campus, as well as a multi-story library with significant study space. All large dorms, and most small ones, also have their own study spaces. These spaces are open for most of the day and night, with hours increasing to 24 hours during final exams. I dont recall ever having an issue with space or over-crowding in any of the study areas. In addition, there are a ton of coffee shops on or around the campus, as well as public parks that are beautiful during the spring and fall months. These were also popular places for students to study. Describe the surrounding town. Daniel: I cant say enough about the City of Boston as a college destination. It offers all of the benefits a major city has to offer. This includes restaurants, museums, the Boston Common and other open spaces, and sporting events and concerts, just to name a few. And if you love history like me, theres no better spot in the country than Boston, the site of some of our nations most important events. Students make use of the city constantly. During my time, I felt like the entire city was my college campus, and its an experience I wouldnt trade for the world. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Daniel: Theres no denying that BU is a very large school, with about 16,000 undergraduates and almost as many graduate students. Large lecture classes will often have over 100 students, but I never felt lost in the shuffle from an academic point-of-view. This is due to the accessibility of professors and teaching assistants, as I discussed earlier. Smaller seminars have much smaller enrollment, as do discussion meetings for the larger lecture courses. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Daniel: I loved all of the history courses that I took at BU, but one in particular stands out, and it is coincidentally the first one that I took as a freshman. The course was U.S. History: 1968 Present, and the Instructor was Professor Bruce Schulman. He made great use of music and film clips from the time period we were studying to drive home his points about shifts in American culture traditions over the past 40 years. It really made history come alive for me in a way that it never had before, and reinforced my decision to choose the major that I had. I still remember sitting in the lecture hall the day of first class and listening to the 10 minute montage of speeches and song clips that he used to introduce the course, and how excited it made me to learn what he had to teach. Check out Daniels tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Algebra 1 Online

Algebra 1 Online Algebra 1 is a generalized form of Arithmetic. In arithmetic, we use numbers, such as: 5, -8, 0.64., etc., each of which has one definite value; whereas in Algebra, we use letters along with numbers. For examples: - 7x 3x 2 5a + b 2 y 5 x X + 2 y 7 z etc. The letters used in Algebra are called variables or literal or simply literals. Which do not have fixed values. Signs and symbols: - In Algebra, the signs +, -, x and are used in the same sense as in Arithmetic. Also, the following signs and symbols are frequently used in algebra which have the same meanings in every branch of Mathematics. Signs Means = Equal to Not equal to Less than Greater than Less than equal to Greater than equal to ~ Difference between Almost equal to To write a given statement in algebraic form. Statement Algebraic Form x subtracted from 8 is less than y 8 x y y divided by 5 equals 2 y/5 = 2 z increased by 2 x is 23 z + 2 x = 23 The sum of 2 and x is greater than y 2 + x y Conversely, Algebraic form Statement x + y = 3 Sum of x and y is equal to 3. p 5 x p decreased by 5 is not equal to x 5 x 7 Product of 5 and x is greater than 7 8 / y 3 8 divided by y is less than 3

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What is it Like to Attend University of California, Los Angeles

What is it Like to Attend University of California, Los Angeles The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Lauren is a 2012 graduate of University of California, Los Angeles with a Bachelors degree in English. She currently tutors in Los Angeles and specializes in many subjects including SAT prep tutoring, Grammar and Mechanics tutoring, and Spanish tutoring. See what she had to say about her time at UCLA: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Lauren: UCLAs dorms are located on the edge of campus, so most students choose to walk the fifteen minutes it takes to get to class. Even upperclassmen walk to class, as many of them live in apartments right next to campus. Bringing a bike to UCLA may be helpful, but it is by no means necessary; taking your car to UCLA will result in far more parking tickets than youd like! VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Lauren: In my four years at UCLA, I found that the teaching assistants were incredibly helpful. They are the ones who grade your papers and tests, so forming some kind of relationship with them (by answering questions in class and going to their office hours) is important. TAs at UCLA are generally very passionate about their work as graduate students, so if youre considering going to grad school, I recommend that you talk to them. They can be an invaluable resource. Professors at UCLA are hit and miss in terms of availability. If you want to know beforehand how approachable a professor is, look the professor up on Youll find former students reviews and ratings of that professor, along with grades the professor has given in the past. I cant recommend this site enough for incoming studentsits a lifesaver! VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Lauren: Dorm life at UCLA is amazing. Im not just saying thatIve compared my experience with that of my high school friends who went to other UCs and private schools throughout the U.S., and UCLA wins every time. First of all, the food is incredible. I miss it. There are several dining halls and cafes located right next to the dorms, and each hall has different food options. The dorms are great places to meet friendsyour resident advisor (RA) will conduct a few icebreaker activities shortly after you move in, and entire dorm floors will eat at the dining halls together for the first few weeks of school. I met two of my best friends my freshman year in the dorms; Im getting lunch with one of them this week and having a movie night with the other this weekend! VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Lauren: Some of the most popular majors at UCLA are Biology, Communications, and Psychology. Having taken a few classes in Psychology, I can vouch for the rigor of the program and the intelligence of the professors. However, I arrived at UCLA already a declared English major, and I didnt switch my major once. I always knew I wanted to study English; when I was young, I would get in trouble for staying up late reading by the light of a flashlight. I knew UCLA was the perfect place for me, as its English program is currently ranked #10 in the United States. The professors are top-notch and have often edited or written the introductions for the novels students read in class. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Lauren: It was very easy to meet people as a freshman. While most people meet their friends in the dorms or in a sorority or fraternity, many people join clubs and make friends there. Ive even made some friends in classes. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Lauren: While I cant speak from personal experience on this one, I know that many reputable companies recruit at student-run clubs such as the Undergraduate Business Society. My brother (also a Bruin) is currently a member of UBS and has been able to network with people from top consulting and banking companies. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Lauren: The libraries at UCLA, besides being beautiful, are the best places to study on campus. Most undergraduates study at Powell, the campus main library. At Powell, you can print out your papers, rent a laptop computer, and study in absolute silence. While most people choose to study in small stalls at Powell, I usually curl up on one of the many couches. In addition to the libraries, UCLAs dorms have a study lounge on each floor. My dorm lounge was usually a great place to study, but at times study sessions became social gatherings. I would recommend the libraries for intense studyingthere are less distractions. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Lauren: UCLA students often describe Westwood as a bubble. The good news is that Westwood has everything students needa pharmacy, In-N-Out, hair salons, clothing stores, and even a couple of movie theatres. Bad news? Many students dont venture outside of Westwood to explore all that L.A. has to offer. Fortunately, by the time students are in their third year of college, they usually get the hang of the bus system or drive a friends car to hang out on Third Street Promenade or see a show in Hollywood. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Lauren: The student body is huge, and, consequently, so are many intro-level classes at UCLA. The large class size never bothered me, though, because most huge classes are split up into small (20 students or less) sections that meet once a week. Going to and participating in section is important because your TA, not your professor, will be grading your tests. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Lauren: As a senior at UCLA, I asked a former professor to work with me on a thesis. Working with this professor was both exciting and scaryshe is an expert in Romantic-era literature and a well-respected senior professor of English. Although I was incredibly nervous at first, studying one-on-one with this professor was the best academic experience I had at UCLA. Not only did I learn more meeting with her than I ever did taking notes in a lecture, I felt that my writing and analytical skills had improved significantly once I was done with my thesis. Check out Laurens tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

How to Get Gigs Life as a Guitarist for Hire

How to Get Gigs Life as a Guitarist for Hire Sign up successful They had worldwide smash hits in the 70s, such as “When Will I See You Again,” and “Dirty ol’ Man.” They formed out of the Philadelphia music scene in the 1960s and were on the same label as famous  artists such as Patti Labelle and Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes. As a group, theyve been together for a long time and know exactly how their music should sound. Therefore, its my job as a hired gun to deliver exactly what they want, but at the same time, try to add some of my own flair and style into the mix. Where to Find  Guitar Gigs The first step in landing your next big gig is knowing where to look. You can find guitarist wanted ads in your local classifieds or on Craigslist, or on websites like Gigsalad  and GigMasters. How to Get Gigs for Guitarists When you respond to that musicians wanted ad, be sure to put your best foot forward. If youre sending an email, include video of yourself performing live as well as a resume listing your past gigs and other musical accomplishments. You should also ask the band which songs they would like you to learn for your audition, and then really learn them! This shows that youre a team player with the dedication and commitment a gig like this requires. Playing With a Group You may play a musical passage  exactly as youve heard it on record, but until you start playing with the group, you don’t know if thats exactly what they want. For example, I was playing a guitar riff  and the band members told me they wanted it to be “less choppy,” meaning that they wanted it smoother and with less complicated rhythms. As a hired musician, its your job to make sure you interpret the artists  requests accurately and come up with a suitable alternative part. Therefore, creativity is an important and essential element when being used as a hired gun. Its never your place to question their authority, simply because its not  your band. Therefore, you must do as they request and do a good job of it. Letting go of your ego is essential when playing for someone. If you don’t like authority, or someone telling you what to play, then this guitar gig  is probably not for you. If you approach things with the right attitude, its one of the most fun and rewarding experiences youll ever have. Musical Terminology for Hired Guns Understanding musical terminology is an essential part of being a hired musician. Here are some terms that are frequently used: Push Anticipated syncopated rhythm. Stab A rhythmical accent played together as a band. Repeat markers The markers that indicate the start and end section of a loop. 1st and 2nd time ending Inside the repeated section, there are subsections that vary depending on whether you are playing the 1st time round or the 2nd. Soli Musical phrase played in unison as a band. Coda The last section of a song indicated on the sheet music by a coda sign. Reprise When the music comes back in after being  finished. Understanding these terms makes it easier for the musicians to communicate with each other and be on the same wavelength. A lack of understanding will slow down the whole band. Its impractical to do this, so  learning the lingo is really an essential part of being a good gigging musician. Learning the Music A certain amount of detective work may be necessary when learning the songs. When I toured with The Three Degrees, I ended up learning 3 versions of every song. I was sent the original MP3s  of the songs, along with  live versions that are often in different keys than the originals and may even have a different feel or different guitar parts. I had to learn an approximation of both of these versions so that Id be well-equipped during rehearsals to play whatever they requested of me. However, a certain amount of personal taste may be required in determining the appropriate parts. During our first rehearsal (and there was only one), things were changed around. Ultimately, the final version may turn out to be different from both the live and studio versions always be prepared for change. How to Choose a Guitar Your  choice of guitar is also more important than you may think. It wouldnt be a good idea to show up to a gig with The Three Degrees with an Ibanez Jem, for example. For this gig, I chose more traditional guitars that I love   my Stratocaster and Telecaster. These guitars not only fit appropriately in terms of sound, but also in terms of look. If youre going to get into the professional realm, its good to have some classic guitars that can fit into many different genres. The Strat, for example, can be used in funk, pop, rock, soul, blues, country, and even jazz.  It isn’t totally necessary to have tons of guitars, but its nice to have some of the main classic guitar types. I always take more than one guitar with me on tour in case a string snaps on stage. That way I can quickly change guitars without having to spend time changing strings on stage, which is too time consuming in a live situation. Its also good to carry extras of everything in your guitar gig bag. Being On Time The last piece of advice I can give is extremely important always be on time! Remember, if youre not early, youre late. Make sure you get to the sound check early to set up any amps or pedals and to also get your guitar in tune. If  theres something wrong with your amp, youll have time to get it fixed before the singers get there. Selecting  the right amp initially will reduce any errors you may encounter later. I always say that its better to be two hours early than two hours late! Also, dress well, polish your shoes, and iron your shirt â€" oh, and don’t forget to shower! With all of this in mind, you should be all set for a glittering music career. Post Author:  Nick K. Nick K.  teaches guitar, acoustic guitar, and music theory in Pasadena, CA. Hes been playing guitar for over 20 years and has taught at some of the topmost music schools in London and New York City. Learn more about Nick here! Photo by Gary Knight Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Linear Equations Solver Online Tutoring

Linear Equations Solver Online Tutoring Linear equations are equations which consist of variables and constants; however the highest exponent of the variable is only 1. A linear equation can consist of more than one variable as well, and to find the value of the variables there are different methods. To solve a linear equation with a single variable, we carry out inverse operations to get the variable all by itself, and then we calculate its value. Linear equations are simple and easy, and with the right method they can solved very quickly. Example 1: Solve the given linear equation, x + 2 = 6 to find the value of x. Given linear equation: x + 2 = 6 In order to find the value of x, we first have to get rid of 2 on its side. This implies, subtract 2 on both sides of the equation. This gives: x + 2 2 = 6 2. So, x = 6 2 == x = 4. Therefore the value of the variable x in the given equation is 4. Example 2: Solve the given linear equation, x 5 = 12 to find the value of x. Given linear equation: x 5 = 12 In order to find the value of x, we first have to get rid of 5 on its side. This implies, add 5 on both sides of the equation. This gives: x 5 + 5 = 12 + 5. So, x = 17 == x = 17. Therefore the value of the variable x in the given equation is 17.

Get The Best Out of Online Math Tutoring

Get The Best Out of Online Math Tutoring 0SHARESShare Math tutoring has become an inseparable element of learning process for the benefits it brings upon students. A solid foundation in Math is inevitable to garner the maximum scores not only in Math but in related subjects as well. What to do to get the best out of online Math tutoring? Tutoring Math online services help you Review your previous year Math skills as a brush up and get ready for the current year Math. For example, reviewing your Algebraic skills for good Calculus doing is essential to avoid any set back. Online Calculus tutoring offers you ways and means to brush up your Algebraic skills to do Calculus well. Same way, you can concentrate on Online PreCalculus tutoring to ground your fundamentals of Calculus   in a solid manner Instant Math help through Math tutor online chat helps you gain the subject knowledge you desire in any particular aspect of Math. The help is instant and you understand your mistake on   the spot and gather information about rectification measures as well Scheduled Math tutoring sessions are highly viable for inculcating good learning habits in Math  and to develop study skills in a  systematic manner thereby to  avoid mental troubles and physical tiredness Tutor Pace. Com is one of the leading sites that offer unlimited scope for improving student skills in learning Math. [starbox id=admin]